Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The body who wears Gap Body

I have decided to become more conscious of the brands I use. We don’t really think much about what companies I support and why, but I wonder maybe I should. I admit, that I really do not shop new much, most things I have were gifts, second hand, or from discount retailers, but still they came to me. I’m curious, with all of these brands competing to gain my attention, why did some win out? What does that say about me?


Tru Flor




Gap Body



Grass Collection

St. John’s Bay


Nine West

Abercrombie and Fitch


Vera Bradley

Wall Street Journal

Dairy Queen


So many names. So little time.

The surprise is the fact that my current outfit is entirely Gap Body.

Why Gap?

I remember my first time.

I was seven.

I love shopping with Dad.

He believes in quality.

Shopping with him makes me feel special.

He cares about looks.

More than most men.

He critiques his girls’ outfits as we walk out the door.

All 4 of us.

And his wife.

He believes in: First impressions. Strong handshakes. Reputations.

He believes that women should wear makeup in public.

And that the gas station is in public.

He believes that most important thing a woman should own

Is a good bra.

He lectured me about that.

Wet or frizzy hair, ashy legs and panty lines = unacceptable.

He believes in shoe repair and alterations.

Quality trumps quantity and quality comes at a price.

That day at age seven I remember my sister and I trying on three dusty pink outfits. All of the clothes could be switched into different combinations of dusty pink. The bright white childrens’ manikins wore the same dusty pink. Daddy believes if it looks good on the manikin, it will look good on you. The quality is apparent. The cotton was softer, yet sturdier. Gap has quality. I rediscovered Gap around middle school. I couldn’t fit into regular adult sizes, and I wanted desperately to stop wearing kid’s clothes. I could fit into a Gap zero and their kids clothes didn’t look too kiddy. I still wear some Gap Kids size 16 clothes from nine years ago and they don’t look dated or worn out. That’s what I like about Gap, longevity.

Also, Gap Body, seems more my style than Victoria Secret. Victoria Secret many times seems too sexy or girly for me. I’m a laid-back kind of chick. Gap Body’s biggest competitor I think is Aerie. AE is cheaper than Gap, but still has decent quality and timeless appeal. Also, Gap can get a little too plain or middle-aged, but American Eagle is young with the right amount of details. Push comes to shove, I might have the money for AE, but not for Gap. Also, the fun music and comfy couches are less intimidating than the simplicity of Gap. The art gallery look screams, “go hit the outlet store!”

1 comment:

  1. This blog is every advertisement firm's DREAM!And listen to your Dad, sounds like a sharp knife!
